If you want to watch a video of this tutorial, please follow this link: Video of VoiceThread Use for Students

You may also want to read the article for students who have been assigned to Create a VoiceThread

VoiceThread is a communication tool that may be used in your course. It allows the user, either you or your instructor, to upload media such as slides or images and narrate over the items individually. You may be asked to watch a VoiceThread and comment on it or create your own VoiceThread within a course. 

The first time a student clicks on a VoiceThread link in a D2L course, a user account will be generated. The student doesn't have to complete any additional steps. The VoiceThread Account for Greenville is authenticated through D2L. 

The instructor may have set up any of three types of VoiceThread links within the course. 

  • VT Home: This will take you to your VoiceThread account home screen, which is a collection of any VoiceThreads you have created or that have been shared to your account from individual users or through a class/group.
  • Course: This will take you to a collection of all the VoiceThreads created and shared with your class. 
  • An individual VoiceThread to view and/or comment. 
  • An assignment that requires you to watch a VoiceThread, watch and comment, or create your own VoiceThread and submit it. 

If you have been asked to comment on a VoiceThread, you can do that by clicking on the "+" sign in the bottom center of the window.

You may have the option to type, record using audio only, record using webcam, use your phone to call in, or upload a file as a comment. You instructor may limit the options he or she wants you to use to comment. 

There are up to three ways to respond to a VoiceThread:

  • Comment-This is a public comment and will populate at the end of the instructor's comment in the timestamp where you clicked. 
  • Threaded Comment-This is a public comment that you create responding directly to another commenter. 

  • Private Comment-This comment is only visible to you and the person who made the original comment. 

If you have been asked to create a VoiceThread, you will do that within a VoiceThread link in your course. You can close any current VoiceThread by clicking on the gray X in the top right corner of the VoiceThread window, which will take you to your home page. Read the article about creating a VoiceThread for Students for detailed instructions. 

At that point, you will have the option to create a VoiceThread by uploading your own media and then adding comments.