All motor vehicle and parking regulations are enforced 24 hours every day.

Very Important- If you have a question about a parking violation, call 618.664.7118 or come to the Campus Safety Office. Every effort will be made to correct an error or to explain a violation. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE PARKING CITATIONS.

Greenville University provides limited, but adequate parking for students, faculty, and staff in a variety ofcampus lots. Greenville University is primarily a “walking” campus, in that all points of the main campus arein reasonable walking distance. Resident students (those living in campus housing) are expected to walkto and from class, chapel and dining. Students should use their vehicles for travel off campus only. Allresident students who bring a vehicle to campus must purchase a parking permit sticker and display iton driver side of the rear window. Since Greenville College is located within a residential communitywith limited parking resources, the college requires all resident students (those living on-campus) topark in Greenville College parking lots only. This is not a city ordinance or city administrative issue, but away for the college to be a responsible member of the Greenville community. This is often referred to asour “Good Neighbor Policy.” Resident student vehicles found parked off-campus may be ticketed. Theauthority to ticket off-campus comes from the college’s ability to establish policies governing studentconduct. Failure to comply with this policy is the same as failure to obey any college rule or policy.Student’s receiving tickets for parking in off-campus areas will be treated as any other violator ofparking policies.

Parking permits are not valid unless properly displayed, and are valid only for the vehicle to which it isregistered and may not be transferred between vehicles.

Permits are valid for the academic year in which it was purchased and may be obtained from CampusSafety during regular business hours. To receive a permit, one must complete a registration form andsubmit proof of driver’s license, vehicle registration and auto insurance. The State of Illinois requires allmotorists to have liability insurance, including a minimum coverage of five-thousand dollars ($5,000)property damage and twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) public liability.

Freshman Permits (FR)—May only park in to lot J.
Sophomore Permits (SO)—May only park in lots L, N, O, P, R and S.

Junior/Senior Permits (JS)—May park in lots B, C, E, F, G, L, N, O, P, R and S.

Blankenship Apartment Permits (BA)— May park in lots B, C, E, F, G, L, N, O, P, R, S and T.