D2L is a robust Learning Management System that we also use to manage some faculty tasks. This can be overwhelming when you are looking at your course list and wondering why you are enrolled in such a variety of course shells that are not your current-term courses. Use the table below to understand the purpose of each of your enrollments and the options you have for more tools and resources. 

Course Title or Page Type
(listed alphabetically)
Course Purpose Who is Enrolled? What is your role? Why were you enrolled as a _____? Request technical help or access with that course and its resources by contacting: 
Attendance Only         The collection of attendance registers that may be copied into any other D2L course at the beginning of each term. Full-time faculty
Adjunct Faculty
Instructor You must be an instructor to copy material from a course into one of your other courses.
Solutions article for Copying a Course or Course Components
ctl@greenville.edu (for requesting an attendance register that has not already been created)
Community Groups
Spaces where resources can be shared among faculty, staff, and students without being attached to enrollment.
Groups and departments request them and can ask that they be open registration or closed, depending on the purpose of the group.
Your role depends on the level of access you need in the group.
You are assigned a role appropriate to the level of access you need based on your involvement in the group.
ctl@greenville.edu or the email of the person who is coordinating the group
Faculty Review Committee (FRC)    
Instructions for ePortfolio, Dropboxes for submitting FRC portfolios and sabbatical applications
Full-time faculty
Student or Teaching Assistant
You must be a student to submit files to dropboxes.
If you are an FRC committee member, your role changes to Teaching Assistant to allow you access to read the submitted documents. 
Faculty Training & Resources (FTR)
Faculty Learning Community dropboxes, syllabus template information, D2L tutorial videos, and any other resources relating to instruction or pedagogy.
Full-time faculty
Adjunct faculty
You must be a student to submit files to dropboxes for your FLC. You can download resources you need, like the syllabus template, from any content module.
Institutional Research for Improvement (IRI)
Dropboxes for HLC-related documents, dropboxes for committee meeting notes, dropboxes for IRI and IRB business    
Full-time faculty
You must be a student to submit files to dropboxes.
Master Course (course title is "CourseCode Master Course for CourseTitle") One master course is available for each course. This is a place where you can have an entire course built and make adjustments throughout the semester that you can then copy into each new term. If multiple instructors teach the same course, a master course can be used as a central location for all course resources.   Anyone who requests enrollment and is teaching or connected to the matching live course.  Instructor You are managing this page just as your live course page and can copy items between the two.
If you don't see a master course, contact CTL. We can determine if it exists and enroll you in it or create one for your course.  
Sandbox (course title is "Sandbox for FirstName LastName")
Each instructor is assigned one of these. Allows all instructors to experiment with how content will work in a page at no risk--students never have access to this course.
Full-time faculty
Adjunct faculty
You are free to do what you like in this space. It is available to allow you to "play" as an instructor, and you may decide to copy from or into this course.