In your gradebook, it is possible to set a student's grade as EXEMPT for specific assignments. When you are reviewing grades, this helps you to keep track of students who still need to make up work or  have earned zeroes by not submitting work.

This is also useful if you crosslist a course or want to manage group assignments without creating D2L groups. 

Preview of Gradebook View when Bulk Exemptions are Used:

1. In Enter Grades, choose one grade item and select Grade All from the drop-down menu.

2. Then, choose one student, and select Bulk Edit Exemptions from the drop down menu by his / her name.  

3. You'll see a list of all assignments in your gradebook. You can select any assignments that student is exempt from completing. Save & Close.


4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for any other students who have exemptions.