Link Assignments to Grade Items so you can transfer scores and feedback directly to the gradebook.

  1. For this section, you will open your Dropbox Assignment and remain in the Properties tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Evaluation and Feedback section, and enter total number of points a student can earn for the assignment in the Score Out Of box.
  3. Use the Grade Item drop down menu to connect the assignment to an existing grade item.  If you want the score of this assignment to be calculated in the overall course grade, you will need to connect the assignment to a grade item.  Assignments can be connected to grade items at any time.
  4. If you have built a rubric within D2L to use for grading, click the Add Rubric button to add the rubric to the assignment (optional).
  5. Click the Hide student names during assessment check box if you wish to grade anonymously.  This option is only available if your submission type is either "File" or "Text".
  6. Click the Save button.