Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Open Hours as of 2024-2025 Academic Year
Joy, Janssen, Holtwick, Hood, Tenney, Kinney, Burritt
7pm-Midnight Everyday
Halls house primarily new students
Halls are one gender, not co-ed
Halls are traditional style with a communal bathroom in the hall
Students do not have "private" communal space, just bedrooms in these halls
These residence halls are monitored during these hours by an RA on rounds
Mannoia, UHall, Tower, and Houses
Noon-Midnight Everyday
Halls house primarily returning students
Halls are co-ed
Halls are suite or apartment style with a private bathroom
Students have a private communal space (living room) outside of bedrooms
An RA will be on rounds to "close" the open hours at the end of each evening
24-hour spaces (stay the same)
Upper Union
The Hub
Hood Main Lounge
Mannoia Main Lounge
Joy Main Lounge
Janssen Main Lounge
Holtwick Main Lounge
Tenney Basement
All other lounges follow the above open dorm hours
UHall (Trager) Gym: 5:30am-10pm
Conduct Process
Students found in violation of these hours are subject to the conduct processes below.
1. Written Warning (Official)
2. Loss for 3 Weeks Open Hours
3. Loss for rest of the semester Open Hours
4. Fine for every additional offense
4: $25
5: $50
6: $75
7: $100
Items to keep in mind in this conduct process
Student campus housing might be reassessed at any part of this process, especially if the student has repeated violations or loss of upper division privileges (Tower and Houses) later in the semester.
Additional sanctions do not mean restoration of previous privileges.
Additional sanctions may be added at any time in this process.
Every semester, everyone goes down a tier in the tiered system.
This process is at the discretion of the Director of Community Standards and the Area Coordinators.
Minor violations will be documented.