Instructors may customize the design of their course home page on D2L. The homepage is the first page you see when you enter a course. The typical default homepage is widget-based. Widgets are sections of content that provide information and links to important places and information in a course.

Create a new course homepage

  1. Click Edit Course, then click Homepages.  

  2. Click Create Homepage.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for your homepage.
  4. Select Include Custom Homepage Header to add a header to your homepage below the navbar.
    • Choose Org Unit name to add the org unit name below the navbar
    • Choose Custom to add a custom header below the navbar.

      Note: Replace strings are placeholders that refer to information in Learning Environment; the system replaces these placeholders with the corresponding information when you apply them to a homepage header.

  5. You can choose between the following Homepage Type Options:
    • Design a widget-based homepage  This displays a standard homepage with various widgets.
    • Make an existing tool the homepage  This displays a system tool, such as Content, as your homepage.
    • Make an existing URL the homepage  This displays an external web page as your course homepage.
  6. For a widget-based homepage, using a one- or two-column layout will respond best if students are using mobile devices to access the course. 
  7. Click Add Widgets to add widgets to your homepage. 
  8. Style your added widgets by adjusting their properties. 
  9. Click Save and Close.

For more complete instruction on D2L Homepages and Widgets, please use the Help Links in D2L and browse through the most current documentation.