DROPBOX - Using Turnitin Originality Checker on D2L

Turnitin Originality Checker compares student submissions in a dropbox against databases and textbooks to help instructors identify whether a student has broken the Academic Honesty Policy at Greenville.

1. Go to "Course Materials" on the navigation bar.

2. Select "Dropbox". 

3. Select "New Folder" or  click the dropdown arrow and then “Edit Folder” if there is already a dropbox folder. 

https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.freshdesk.com/data/helpdesk/attachments/production/12021368117/original/8H1Z2uoGN_jk4fPy_ht3U6-ZTiijAbhrXA.png?1499800552 Graphical user interface, text, application

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4. After naming the folder, click on the Turnitin tab to set originality check preferences for your assignment's drop box on the lower right hand side. There is a category called Evaluation and Feedback. Click that to open and then click on the Manage Turnitin

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Then you will want to check 2 boxes. (The rest is defaulted to what we recommend). Then click save. 

Click the box to Enable Similarity Report and then scroll down and click the box Enable Online Grading
Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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6. Save and Close.


Find more information about Turnitin Options and using it for feedback in this article: Grading with the Turnitin Originality Checker

If you’ve already created your folders, you can also go to each Dropbox individually if needed as well.

  • Turnitin needs to be “turned on” for each assignment within D2L. 
  • Go to “course materials”
  • Dropbox
  • EACH folder dropdown, click edit folder
  • Click “turnitin” under the Evaluation and Feedback tab
  • Click “enable similarity report”
  • Click “enable online grading”
  • It is your choice if you want to click and allow students to see turnitin percentages. We do not recommend this option. 


DROPBOX - Grading with Turnitin Originality Checker

At Greenville University, Turnitin is integrated into the Desire2Learn (D2L) learning management system. These directions are not exhaustive of all grading features, but will give basic instructions to accessing student work submitted to a dropbox with Turnitin Originality Checker activated. Additional instructor training tutorials are available on Turnitin’s website at http://turnitin.com/en_us/training/instructor-training.

From the D2L dropbox, you can access the originality report in three places. 

1. Click directly on the file name.

2. Click on the word Evaluate.

3. Click on the originality checker percentage icon.

Depending on which you choose, you may see the document open in a different view. 

Clicking directly on the file name (1) will lead you to a screen that shows the document you're grading and a column on the right side where you can access a rubric, type feedback, and enter a grade. By clicking "Publish" at the bottom of this, the grade will appear in your gradebook in the grade item you have connected to the Dropbox. Clicking "Back to User Submissions" will show you the originality checker percentage summary. 


Clicking on the Evaluate Link will take you to a similar screen, but with a summary of the originality checker view rather than the document. To see the document, you will still need to click on the title of the document within that summary.  Then click on the percentage for the Turnitin and it will open. 



Clicking on the originality check report (3) will take you directly to the new feedback studio in a new tab. Clicking on the percentage in red on the right hand side will show you the sentences in question, etc. A high number doesn’t mean it is plagiarized and a low number doesn’t mean it isn’t plagiarized. They might have cited correctly. Please email [email protected] if you have a student/assignment in question and we can help.  


the Turnitin Quickmarks in the grading (Markup Document) feature include the labels of the different types of plagiarism

Regardless of how you choose to use Turnitin's grading options, you must click Publish in the D2L submission view for each assignment as you grade to make the grade appear in the course gradebook and be calculated as part of the student's grade. Clicking save draft will keep your feedback without communicating to the course gradebook. 


If you alter a score or feedback in the student submission screen and return to it, you must click Update


Comments and feedback left in Feedback Studio will autosave as you grade and comment. 

In order to use all the tools offered by Turnitin (it does much more than just provide the Originality Summary) and to see the explanation and sources for the originality report, you must open it in Feedback Studio, but you can "publish" your grade to your course gradebook using just the submission screen (accessed by clicking evaluate or clicking the submitted file).   

Once you are completely done grading- you can click a button to highlight all students and then click Publish Feedback and/or Export to Gradebook. 

For any questions, please email [email protected]