1. Open your course in D2L.
  2. Go to Content.
  3. Locate your syllabus. If one is not yet uploaded to the content area, you must upload one before proceeding. (Please see the "Uploading a File to D2L" solution for these directions.)
  4. Click the action/drop-down arrow next to your uploaded syllabus file.
  5. Click or select Publish to LOR.
  6. Where to put it? - Answer Greenville Repository.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Detected Files page, click Next again.
  9. Very important * COPY the entire course title from the top of your screen (to the right of the college logo).
  10. PASTE the copied course title into the Title field/box.
  11. Add your last name and course number (i.e. SOC101) in the Keywords field.
  12. Click Publish to LOR.
  13. Click Done.