For questions about meal plans, please email [email protected].  


Greenville University places a high emphasis on living and eating together as part of a community. Because of this, we require all residential students to be on a meal plan. Some exceptions can be made in cases of medical necessity with proof from a doctor. Our food services staff will make every attempt to accommodate special needs before exceptions are made. Financial need is not considered for meal plan release. If you have a financial need, please see Financial Aid. Students may utilize these plans at the Dining Commons, the Union, or at any vending machine on campus.  


Note: Changes in meal plans or applications for release from the meal plan should be made before the 10th day of the semester. Similar to off-campus housing requests, application for meal plan release should be made before every Fall semester.  


Types of Meal Plans and which students can access them: 

  • All Access Meal Plan: Residential students in Hood, Joy, Janssen, Tenney, Kinney, University Hall, Mannoia, Burritt, and Houses are required to be on the all-access meal plan. Anyone can opt into the All-Access meal plan.  

  • Unlimited meal swipes in the Dining Commons per week 

  • $25 flex per semester 

  • 5 meal exchanges in the Union per week 

  • 5 guest passes per semester 

  • Upper Division Meal Plan: Residential students in Tower Apartments and houses are placed on the 75 Meal Plan. Only senior residents (by credit hourin Tower and houses can request to be removed from the meal plan without application 

  • 75 meal swipes in the Dining Commons per semester 

  • $200 flex per semester 

  • Commuter Plan: Commuters can opt into any meal plan they would like, but this plan is designed specifically for commuters. To be placed on a meal plan, commuters must email [email protected] with their request.  

  • 20 meals per semester in the Dining Commons 

  • $20 flex per semester 


If the student has a medical need to be off the meal plan, the student must 

  • Meet with the Director of Fresh Ideas by visiting the Dining Commons to see how they can accommodate your need.  

  • Be approved by the ADA Coordinator or AVP of Student Life