To initially obtain a residence room key, students must pick up their key in their designated area from a Residence Life staff person when they move into their room. Residence Hall sub-master, master keys, and office keys are issued by the Director of Residence Life and are only allowed to be carried by Residence Life employees (RAs, GAs, ACs, etc.). 


Lost Room Keys 

  • When a student loses their room key, they should first contact Campus Safety to check if their key was found and returned. 

  • Once it is determined that a student has permanently lost their key, they must alert the Housing Coordinator or a Residence Life staff person immediately 

  • Students can email [email protected] to request a new key. Housing will apply a fine of $25 to the student's account with the appropriate fine code.   

  • Note: It could be up to two weeks from the time Housing is notified before a new key is printed by Facilities.