Before you can receive an expense reimbursement, you must first enter your banking information in Concur by using the instructions below.  are directly deposited into your bank account from our third-party vendor, Bambora.


Instructions to add or change your banking information to Concur:


Profile > Profile Settings > Bank Information (in Expense Settings of the left-side menu)>Check the box to authorize > Complete the required fields > Save


Please note this will update reimbursements only. Payroll direct deposits must be updated in Paylocity (Directions Here)

After setting up your bank account in Concur follow the instructions on page 15 of the Expense QuickStart Guide (attached to this article) to request your reimbursement.


Each employee is limited to one employee reimbursement request each week. Receipts must be uploaded to Concur and approved through all necessary levels by the end of the day Tuesday for a direct deposit reimbursement on Friday. 


For your convenience, Concur has a mobile app.  More information can be found here:  Concur - Mobile App.